Nowadays, credit cards are accepted at all major retail outlets. A co-branded credit card is also offered by Sears Holding Corporation and Citibank. If you want to know SEARS credit card login process or the reasons behind its shutting down then read this article to the end.
How to Login to SEARS Credit Card?
Simply follow the instructions below to complete the SEARS card login process.
Open your web browser and visit
Fill out the username field with your user ID.
Then, enter your password.
Click on the “Sign-in” button.
How to Make SEARS Credit Card Payment by Phone?
If you have a Sears Card, contact Sears Credit Card Services at 800-917-7700 and follow the on-screen instructions to make a payment. You can make SEARS card payments at any time. Customers with other Sears credit cards can also get assistance, including the following:
SEARS Mastercard: 800-669-8488
Why Are SEARS Stores Shutting in the Many States?
These are some of the reasons which are responsible for shutting down of sears store.
An absence of persistent and ongoing investment.
An inability to innovate continuously
Being unfocused
An inability to stay ahead of competitive threats.