Spay India app was started by Nikhilesh Tiwari with only 29 people but now it has gained immense success. The company offers services to its users like offering money transfers, recharges, billing, etc.
Spay India login was founded in the year 2018 to assist the misguided trade network of the fintech supply channel which has been composed of retailers and also merchants in common. And any one can use the services of this platform by just accessing it using the login platform.
There are many services which are available for the users on SpayIndia which the users can use like –
Bill payment
AEPS Aadhar enabled payment system
Wallet money transfer
Flight ticket booking
The users can also access all these services very easily by logging into the portal of Spay India for which the users can move to the official website and from there the users can move to the home page and then from there they just need to fill in the information which has been asked from the users on the portal.
After filling in the information the users just need to just press the submit button after which the users will be able to use the services of spay India.